Saturday, 17 January 2009

Flash in the pan

Ethno me sore

Or do we fall within? Be-littled by consuming sensation
Can we feast daily?
Gorge the soul!

Flippant to flutter?

Even the oak
Breathes from the breeze.

Wafting stalwart
His toes hardened, roots planted for life
to Ascend.
Growing beyond.
Dying to live.

Is he conscious of the sapling? Or does he find it just pure sappy-
Does the internal eye negate the world?
let the sparks ignite,
even when we are pyre-wood.

Thursday, 8 January 2009

PHYSICAL PHYSICAL: The Other (Wo)Man's Story

you picked your own roads in the end,

you towered beside a younger pretty face .

you gasped, entwined yourself with her until i was

but a shadow from times gone by. still

it is that tower of man that beckons to me again; and 

i dream of kneeling in its shadow where

i shall cry ecstasy.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Slumdog soundtrack

D: It is written

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one:
An ode to the Convergence


Earth born and bound, we kiss the soil we share

Placid, in the Galaxy, souls lay bare
I am but a slumdog millionaire-

Canter in.

Escape artists we must so-journ,
as we are accustomed
and adjourn.