Thursday, 8 January 2009

PHYSICAL PHYSICAL: The Other (Wo)Man's Story

you picked your own roads in the end,

you towered beside a younger pretty face .

you gasped, entwined yourself with her until i was

but a shadow from times gone by. still

it is that tower of man that beckons to me again; and 

i dream of kneeling in its shadow where

i shall cry ecstasy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "...poetry is in Nature just as much as carbon is: love and wonder...have their legitimate functions: and where they have no play, the impatience of the mind betrays precisely the distance from the truth, - the truth which satisfies the mind and affections, and leaves the real and the ideal in equilibrium, which constitutes happiness."

    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

    si on peut le savoir
