flowers of the season smile open in the summer rays and spray wild perfume, sweetening the morning air – a lazy breeze on my balcony. …i open my eyes. i yawn. blink. …the celing is blank white. the breeze is so listless, the delhi heat is already curling around my neck licking my skin wet. …i feel good. …from the palm of this hand to the scar on my upper lip, from the cap of hair on my head to my cracked heel, a sweaty caramel-skin blankets my frame and nothing bleeds… the arch of my back holds up the body of a man comfortable. …i blink. i blink. …sweat is my thing. …from between white sheets of satin i emerge… like honey slowly escaping a pool of milk. i stand there beautiful, naked. why must i camouflage? two steps forward and the mirror catches me. i turn and stare. two steps forward and i plant these feet on the balcony, this pelvis against the rails. a woman on the street is selling vegetables from a cart.
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