today goodness came in neither the form of jelly candy or delectable popeye's with medicinal soda water for the party body. rather it came in the form of blinking long eyelashes, lush lips and sweaty hair... today goodness came, it did not tower when it did but crouched in the corridor until it was chilled into the room; today goodness came in the form of endless eyelashes…
“Sameer! Sameer! Ek chilla doongi rakh ke!”
“Chilla! Chilla! Ek hockey doongi rakh ke!”
“Teek Hai.”
Ohh you designing man...I think there needs to be lots of dishing from both our ends ;)
ReplyDeleteI like this hindi, S(RK)-inspired poetry hahaha. Theek hai*
J'aime la crosse de hockey...c'est symbolique, quoi.
Fly high chiller.
i made a desi-gin to relish spicy designs like i do sugarcane juice.
ReplyDeletenow dish back about good desi-gins from desiland.
this is how it went:
Me: "Are you Muslim"
Lush: "No."
Me: "Not Muslim? Oh no! (PAUSE) Oh well, please come."
My consuming details can only be spoken/face to face. Otherwise how, pray, can one convey face on face?
ReplyDeleteI'm making new W. recipes every week. The sugar makes the entering and coming very sweet.